Interactive and thought provoking retreat

16 June 2019

The three day retreat program ended successfully on 17th June 2019. There was total of 33 participants including Dashos, sector heads, representatives from gewogs, schools, and hospitals. This was first of its kind in Chhukha Dzongkhag Administration and it was initiated aiming to draw the strategies of various sectors, improve public service delivery through creativity and innovation, find means to tackle coordination, collaboration and communication issues among sectors, gewogs, dungkhag and dzongkhag administration and also to harmonize working culture through social interaction and informal discussions.

The program was coordinated by Dasho Dzongrab, Human Resource Officer and Chief District Education Officer(played lead role). All the sessions were very interactive and thought provoking.

On the first day, Dasho Dzongrab presented on objectives of the retreat program followed by overview of whole session by CDEO. Then Dasho Dzongda presented a helpful video on '7 habbits of highly effective person' and we focused more on second habbit 'Begin With The End in Mind'. Thereafter Dasho Dzongda presented on 'Transforming Chhukha Through Creativity and Innovation', which was backed up by succeeding group discussions and presentaions on strategies for various areas like waste management, enhancing public service delivery, strengthening RNR activities, economic development, etc.

On the second day, Dasho Dungpa highlighted on The Coordination, Monitoring and Reporting issues in the Dzongkhag, which was also followed by group discussions and presentations on framing strategies and action plans to cut down these issues among and between sectors, gewogs, dungkhag and dzongkhag. There was also presentations on individual sector's road map aligned with 12 FYP which continued on third day.

Since we had envisoned to have 'END' in mind at start, we collaborated, discussed and concluded with stocks to take for various sectors to come up with concrete ways to tackle the issues discussed or implement in real.

The most interesting fact about all the sessions was that there was refreshing 'Brain Breaks' lined up by CDEO at certain intervals. It was a fruiful and encouraging event for all the participants to futher work harder in achieving the vision of Chhukha Dzongkhag.

The minutes will be shared soon via email and will be uploaded in Dzongkhag website.